Simple Saturday

My to-do-list yesterday was minimal. And by minimal, I mean non-existent. After a busy and tiring week, I was entirely content to put on my sweatpants and robe power suit and simply relax.

Saturday morning proved to be even more productive than I had intended. I booked my flights for the Blend RetreatHollllaaaa, and managed to complete a 6 mile run with Dan and Nola. Let’s be real, my running speed is more like a fast power walking pace. Regardless, I felt tired in all the best ways.


We had paninis for lunch. Surprise, surprise.


And I decided to bake cookie bars for Dan to bring in to work with him last night.


When Dan headed to his game, I headed to my parent’s house. My mom and I had our weekly date night, complete with a trip to Trader Joe’s and Lifetime movies. Is there anything better


Reader Questions: How did you spend your Saturday? What are your plans for today?

Little Things to Love

Happy almost weekend everyone! I am so looking forward to comfy clothes, better workouts, sleeping in, or in my case, sleeping past 7 a.m., and of course, a little Primetime Sunday football. With the weekend right around the corner, I figured no better time than the present for this week’s edition of ‘Little Things to Love!’

Peanut Butter, Jelly & Brie Panini. I ordered this amazing concoction for lunch this week. It was so good! I even felt somewhat adventurous, going outside my comfort zone of the classic PB & J. Dan was most likely a bit embarrassed as I became ‘that girl’. You know, the one taking pictures of my food at the restaurant. Oh well, you know what they say, YOLO. Image

Pedicures. Lucky for you and the ladies at the nail salon, I resisted the urge to take pictures of my feet when my mom and I headed out to have our toes done. Pedicures are so relaxing, not to mention that I love any opportunity to fit in a little quality time with my mom.

Bubble Baths. Oh hey, happy place. I absolutely love to grab a good magazine and find tranquility in the bathtub. Nola was barking like crazy and my back was really bothering me. My solution, of course, a bubble bath. Image

Super Bowl. You know this had to make the list. I am a total football girl, not to mention, I love to snack. Super Bowl Sunday is a national holiday in my book. If only the Giants could win every year! Regardless, we are having people over on Sunday to watch the game and I am so excited to host.

Reader Question: What are you loving this week?

Happy Weekend and Versatile Blogging

Earlier this week, one of my absolute favorite bloggers, Meghan @ After the Ivy League nominated me for the Versatile Blogger award. I am especially excited for the nod as it allows me to share 7 random facts about my life. If you follow my blog, you know that it doesn’t really have a theme per say. So this entry is especially suiting.


I am always tardy to the party when it comes to trends. I just got into the whole Twitter craze and I find YouTube videos months after their popularity has passed. Don’t even get me started on my fashion and food faux pas.

I am a homebody by nature, but I love a good weekend getaway. Road trips are my jam. I love getting out of town for a couple days, making new playlists, and hitting up Dairy Queen along the way. Not to mention that sweatpants are totally acceptable road trip attire.

ImageI believe in funny girls. To people who say girls can’t be funny, tsk tsk. My friends are a riot. Not to mention, Pitch Perfect is ah-mazing.

Friends, family, chocolate wine, puppies, and reality TV can make any bad day better.

Paninis are off the hook. That’s right, I just said off the hook. A good Panini coupled with tomato soup always hits the spot.

ImageFriday night is my favorite place to be. So, it’s not really a place. Maybe I should say that it’s my favorite state of mind. Either way, I love Friday nights.

I believe that the little things in life truly are the most important. Pedicures with my mom, seeing a new picture of my nephews, campfire s’mores, beach days, and game nights make life so meaningful.


Your turn! My blogroll is out of control and I would love to hear all your random facts, starting with today’s reader question!

Reader Question: Do you love weekend getaways? Where is your favorite place to travel?