Today I am Grateful

This past November, I did somewhat of a gratitude blogging series leading up to Thanksgiving. My posts focused on all things in life for which I am grateful. In it, I committed to making my best attempts to wake up each morning, and snuggle into bed each night, with a grateful heart. Let’s face it, each day carries its own peaks and pits or roses and thorns. It is up to us to decide where we place our attention. This morning, as my alarm sounded, I decided it was time to refocus my perspective once again and start the day, and the week, with a renewed outlook and appreciation for the blessings in my life.

Today I was grateful for the successful completion of a 4 mile run and a beautiful view of downtown.

Image I was grateful for my running partners, who make every workout better.

ImageI was grateful for Dan taking the time to make our lunches for the day. I must say that he has become quite skilled at preparing my peanut butter and honey sandwiches.


I was grateful to have dinner at my parent’s house. Anytime my mom offers to cook, I happily oblige.

ImageI was grateful for the excitement of having signed up for the BLEND Retreat in Park City, Utah! De @ Cooking for the Other Half, Ashley @ CupcakesnCrunches, and I had so much fun registering for the event. I am already looking forward to meeting other bloggers come May.

Reader Questions: What were you most grateful for today? Did anyone else sign up for the BLEND Retreat!?

Operation Rejuvination

If you ask me, weekends are proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. After a long week, I was so grateful for the opportunity to relax, go to bed early, wake up without an alarm, and spend time with family. Dan’s dad was in town visiting from New York for the weekend and we were all content to keep our schedule low key.

ImageWe spent Saturday afternoon enjoying the picturesque and spring-like weather.


After our midday stroll, we headed out to dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant. I must admit, I felt a little guilty as we walked towards the restaurant and a runner bolted past us. I hope he burned enough calories for the two of us.

ImageOf course, Mexican isn’t complete without a margarita. I ordered a coconut-strawberry margarita and couldn’t help but be reminded of the last time Dan’s family was in town and his sister, De, and I decided to have not 1, or 2, but instead, 3 margaritas. It wasn’t until we got up to leave and giggled at everything in sight that we realized how strong the drinks had been. Rest assured that at dinner this weekend, I limited myself to 1 margarita.


Reader Questions: What was the best part of your weekend? Is anyone else planning to sign up for the Blend Retreat!?