Cookies + Workouts = Passion

While perusing, which is a fun word to say, my blog posts today, I realized that it has been exactly 2 months since I announced my decision to quit my job and go back to school to become a Personal Trainer! My bank account has seen better days, I have to do laundry a lot, dressing up equates to wearing jeans and a t-shirt, I have a full on tennis shoe obsession, and I love it.

Even though I still do not know what I will be doing once I have completed the program, I am so happy that I decided to follow and pursue my passion. I realize in the moments that I am leading my mom through a workout, or watching Dan do squat jumps til the cows come home, that I am doing what I love to do.

Reader Question – If you could choose any job, what would it be? I would love to own a bakery – fitness & sweets definitely go together in my world!

Monday Motivation

When the alarm sounded at 6:00 this morning, my initial thoughts were anything but pleasant. In fact, if you were within 500 feet of me, or maybe even 5,000 feet of me, you might have heard my dramatic, “ughhhhhh.” Yet in that moment, I had a bit of an epiphany. I decided against the pessimism presenting itself and opted instead to be positive. To be grateful. That the first step towards anything, including out of bed, is often the hardest. And then, brace yourselves, I decided to get my butt out of bed and out the door.


Despite the rainy conditions, our running buddy didn’t complain. Although she did almost pull me down in the mud a couple times.


For breakfast was a peanut butter vanilla smoothie. After a weekend filled with cheese pizza and macaroni and cheese, a little Monday detox was definitely in order.


In fact, I think a healthier lifestyle might be in order-harder workouts, less sugar, more vegetables, and maybe even a little meditation mixed in.


Now it’s your turn! How do you stay healthy? What motivates you to work out and eat well? 3, 2, 1, Inspire!