Paws in the Park 5k

Yesterday morning, Dan, Nola, and I headed out to our ‘Paws in the Park’ 5k. This was our first doggy dash, and I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t crazy excited for it. Dan and I had planned to run the race together, but once we arrived and I sized up the competition, I encouraged him to go ahead without me and to finish as quickly as possible.

Dan and Nola ended up placing 5th overall, insert proud fiancé and mom line here. I was feeling great until mile 2.5, where I experienced a terrible side stitch. I managed to finish in 26 minutes and was happy with my time. I was even happier with the post race treats. Nola and I shared 2 Peanut Butter Clif Bars and would both offer rave reviews.

Following the race, we watched the dogs jumping off the docks. Nola, being the social butterfly that she is, made lots of new friends.

All in all, we had a fantastic time and I would definitely recommend a fun run with dogs. Although I shouldn’t admit it, my quads are especially sore today. Kudos to all you ladies training for and running your 1/2 marathons. I am definitely inspired to get into that kind of shape again.

Reader Questions: What is your favorite workout? Are you training for any races?

Little Things to Love

Even though this season of ‘The Bachelor‘ is over and I am still in my work pants at almost 7:00 PM, I am excited to write today’s post and to share all the little things I am loving this week.

I am loving ‘The Biggest Loser‘, leave it to me to trade one reality show for another, following some of my favorite bloggers on Instagram and Twitter, if I haven’t found you yet, call me leave your name maybe, making m&m rice krispie treats in the microwave, 1 minute to pure joy, and running 5k races, even if they are unorganized and have no bibs and chips.

ImageI am loving that Dan and I are taking Friday off from work, that I get to decide what kind of birthday cake I want this week, that my mom will be back in town tomorrow, that I have plans to be in bed tonight by 8:30, that ABC Family and Nick at Nite play reruns of ‘Full House‘, and that I walk outside to palm trees every day. If only someone could have a pina colada waiting for me.

ImageReader Questions: What is your all-time favorite TV show? What little things are you loving this week?