Thanksgiving Week: Time to Travel

I want to run through the halls of my high school. I want to scream at the top of my lungs…

Unbeknownst to me in my last entry, our mini vacation actually begins tomorrow. While I fully intended to work on Wednesday and sprint to the airport midday, my boyfriend had other plans. Plans to drive to the Gulf Coast to stay at my favorite resort for the evening. If you’re wondering if I am excited, just ask the man who rode by on his bicycle and listened to me exclaim the fun news. Just kidding. Maybe. Visions of heated pools, cabanas, sand between my toes, and holiday shopping are already dancing in my head.


This also means that I may have to extend my 8:30 p.m. bedtime tonight to finish all the things on my To Do List. Hello cleaning, laundry, packing, and baking! I’ve semi-joked that my suitcase will break the overhead compartment on our flight to New York, although I’m afraid that there is a slight to moderate possibility of this really happening.

ImageAnd because we all know how much I enjoy “things to look forward to” lists, I’ve included mine for this weekend:

  • QT with Danny Stevie’s side of the family
  • The charades I hope to convince others to play
  • Wining and Dining
  • Eating a little, eating a lot, eating some more, and snacking in between
  • Books, crosswords, and magazines galore
  • Kicking off the holidays NY style!