Treat Yourself Tuesday!

Since Becky’s coining of the phrase “Treat Yourself Tuesday”, Tuesdays have quickly become one of my favorite days of the week to read blogs. And since today is a cold and rainy one so far, I am more than content to see and vicariously experience the ways that everyone has relaxed, spoiled, and loved this week!

My mom and I took at a trip to the Farmer’s Market this weekend and I treated myself to some new Kombucha flavors. I know that the reviews on Kombucha are mixed, but I love it. Your thoughts? I’m not a big pop drinker, so it’s a great and refreshing alternative for me.

There was also a dog adoption event at the Farmer’s Market. And of course, we had to look. And adopt. Meet the newest member of our family, Kiah!

It has been a crazy couple days around our place and Dan and I have already decided that a King Sized Bed is in our future.

As you can see, I also treated myself over the weekend by skipping the whole putting on makeup and styling my hair. 🙂

Reader Question – How are you spoiling, relaxing, and loving yourself this week?!

26 thoughts on “Treat Yourself Tuesday!

  1. Hmm…I’m not really suer how I’m spoiling myself this week? Maybe I’m taking more time to sleep in the morning? At the same time, I want to get back into my morning workouts so it’s kind of a catch 22. 😀

  2. I always buy a kombucha at the farmers market to enjoy while I walk around and I stare at the dogs for hours but I’m not allowed to have one in my apartment. I am so beyond jealous Kiah is so cute!!

  3. A king size bed is a must with 2 dogs! A must! How are they getting along? Ob really annoyed Marley in the beginning…& I think she still really annoys him, but he loves her now too. They are the best of friends.

    And I need to try this kombucha everyone keeps talking about!

    • Haha, Ashley, I think that is the best way of putting it! It’s a mix of sometimes annoyed and a lot of love 🙂 When I get home during the days, Nola is always right next to Kiah’s crate and so excited for her to come out and play! I will most likely be coming to you on how to navigate life with 2 dogs. And you have Atlas, too! Kudos, girl, you are Superwoman!!

  4. Wow, what a treat! A new pet!! My husband and I have gone back and forth on getting a dog because we joke that it’s enough work looking after our son. Kiah is super cute! Hope to see more of your new pup in future posts…

  5. Oh my goodness, YAY! A new pup to love and adore like crazy 🙂 What a cutie too! I always think it’s great when people adopt dogs and give them a nice life, hope your other fur buddy and Kiah become friends 🙂

  6. I’m totally on team Kombucha! I don’t drink much juice or soda either, so I love having a healthy alternative.

    Kiah is adorable! I’m treating myself this week by trying not to overextend myself with after-work commitments during the week. I have a race coming up so I’m trying to be as well rested as possible these next couple of weeks! 🙂

  7. KIAH!!! What a little cutie!! A treat for sure! And I’m still uncertain about Kombucha – whenever I buy it, I can only drink a few sips at a time. Is that normal? Haha… maybe I just need to find the right flavor 🙂 Oh and weekends should never be a time for styled hair or makeup!

    • I am so happy that you are with me in the hair and makeup department! 🙂

      There is a lot of carbonation in Kombucha so it can be kind of overwhelming at first. There is a brand, Bucha, that has a Pomegranate Raspberry that is my absolute favorite! Let me know if you find that one 🙂

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