Little Things to Love

Long time no write! I would say long time no read, but that would be a lie, I’ve still been stalking on y’all’s blogs like it’s my job. Regardless, I have been slacking, and I am happy to be back! I figure there is no better way to kick it off than with a show of little things I am loving lately!

Costco. Dan and I made our Costco run on Thursday night and I was kind of out of control excited. I know it’s just paper towels and water bottle like products in our cart, but I still go crazy for it. And of course, the amazing fro yo adds to my enthusiasm. I am hoping some of you love the superstore as much as I do and aren’t just staring at your computer thinking ‘Kate is a weirdo…’

Upcoming Getaways. When the Southwest email arrives in my inbox to tell me about an upcoming trip, I kind of lose my ish. My Bachelorette Weekend is now a couple weeks away, and I am so excited to spend quality time with my sister, soon to be sister-in-law, De, and my best friends!

Farmer’s Market. Dan and I took a trip to the Houston Farmer’s Market yesterday and I loved it! I am all about eating local and talking with the people at each booth. Even in a big city, Farmer’s Markets bring a sense of community. I will admit, it did make me miss my hometown and my Iowa sweet corn.

Sitting Poolside. Yesterday afternoon, we packed the cooler with food and drinks and took advantage of the perfect weather. Dan grilled burgers and veggie burgers, and we spent a couple hours doing nothing but lounging.

Reader Questions – What are you loving this summer? Are you going to be traveling?

All in a Day’s Shopping Trip

We went back to Costco this week. Aka, my happy place. I kid you not, we had 4 items on our list. One step into the superstore and that list went out the window. Whatever marketing tactics they use, kudos to them. I compare myself to a contestant on ‘Supermarket Sweepstakes’ as I hurry down the aisles and take items off the shelves like I am planning for the ’19 Kids and Counting’ Duggar family to come visit for a month.

Of course I am sure I really needed the jumbo bag of chocolate chips, 2 bags of flour, 2 boxes of oatmeal, and the oranges that could feed an entire YMCA soccer league.


I was especially excited about 2 of my impulse buys. The first was “Gone Girl.” De had included this in one of her monthly loves lists, and convinced my to buy it as I became that girl, the one trying to navigate the store and text about whether it was worth purchasing. Sorry to the woman that I almost ran into full force. My b.


My other favorite purchase of the evening came in the form of chocolate hazlenut spread. If you haven’t had Nutella, drop whatever you are doing and go buy a container. You think I’m joking. One of my best friends in high school and I used to have this peanut butter, Nutella, graham cracker concoction everyday at lunch. Some things never change.

Reader Questions: Where do you do most your grocery shopping? What foods are you loving this week?

Braving the Costco Crowd

Call me crazy, but I love Costco. So much in fact that I would categorize it as one of my happy places. I prefer to head to the superstore during the week when crowds are less out of control, but like many of you I’m sure, I can’t always find the time. Dan and I decided to brave the packed lot and shopping cart extravaganza today.


Highlights of the trip included our $1.50 frozen yogurt. I must have really wanted it because I was willing to stand in line a second time after being told that I couldn’t pay with my debit card.


We picked up two boxes of our favorite snack, Mrs. May’s Slow Dry-Roasted fruit and nut packs. Has anyone else tried these? They are amazing plain or in yogurt.


The veggie burgers might have been my favorite snag. Being a vegetarian, I sometimes experience a little cheeseburger envy. I have a feeling that our homemade sliders are going to hit the spot. The brie cheese was a total impulse buy. After one sample, I of course had to purchase a container. 


Reader Questions: What are your favorite healthy snacks? What is your favorite weeknight meal?