Fly Away with Me

One of the main reasons that I love reading other blogs is because it allows me the opportunity to see the way others spend their free time, eat, work out, relax, essentially, how they live their daily lives. I love to travel, and in a way, I feel like blogging grants me the opportunity to do a bit of that every day.Β 


I thought that considering how much I love to see and hear about all the amazing places in this world, it would be fun to share some of my favorite getaway locations with you.


Dan and I do most of our traveling during the summer months. It reminds me of when I was a kid and we would go on family vacations. Of course, being the youngest, I always found myself sandwiched between my brother and sister. Luckily, we now do the majority of our traveling by plane, or I ride in the front seat. My how times have changed.


The last couple summers have included trips to the Midwest and East Coast as that is where the majority of our family and a lot of our friends still reside. Two summers ago, we actually did what we called a cross country tour and headed to New York, Boston, Cape Cod, and Chicago over the course of 10 days.


That trip holds a special place in my heart as it was when I first met Dan’s family and friends, he met my sister and friends, and surprise, told me he loved me while we walked the streets of downtown Chicago. My first time telling him was far less romantic. But I’ll save that story for another day.


Reader Questions: Do you like to travel? What is your dream getaway?

And on a final and unrelated note, thanks for all your encouragement yesterday after my long day. It definitely reminded me of how grateful I am for all of you! Many Xs and Os to you this Valentine’s Day!

43 thoughts on “Fly Away with Me

  1. I love traveling. You have been to some of my favorite cities. Cape Cod is gorgeous. You’re making me miss summertime in New England!!

  2. I absolutely love traveling. It’s been one of my favorite things about living in a new state – I’ve taken so many overnight/weekend trips to places I probably never would have seen if I hadn’t moved. There are still sooo many places to visit, though!

  3. Blogging as a form of travelling… I’ve never thought of if that way but it’s a great way to look at it πŸ˜€ I’m a big fan of travelling as well, and some of the places that I’d really love to see are Australia, New Zealand, Egypt, Greece, Hawaii, and Italy.

    • I would definitely include some of these on my list of places to visit as well. My parents are going to Hawaii next week and I am so wishing I could go. I have always thought that Greece looks so beautiful! I hope that you are able to see some of these amazing places πŸ™‚

  4. I love these type of posts. You and Dan are such a perfect match ❀ Joshua and I are huge into traveling when we get the chance. I think our top two fav. trips would be to Greece & when we rented a cabin in Tennessee over Thanksgiving one year.

  5. i love traveling though i havent gone anywhere i havent been in years, this summer i got a few roadtrips planned and i am so excited for them! and you are right much diff from the vacas squished as a kid!

  6. I don’t travel a lot but I wish I could because I love it. Every summer though we go to the cape cod, the whole extended family sure it is just 30 minutes away from my home but still it is the best travel thing we do

  7. Aw I love this post. And I have such fond memories of your time in Boston too! I knew you were a keeper when you were excited about the 3-level Forever 21 on Newbury St.

  8. I knew J was the one for me when he told me he loved to travel– we didn’t spend more than 2 weeks in the same place during the first year of dating. We were long distance, so we had to drive to see one another, but we turned those visits into vacations or day trips– we saw 10 states that year! When we first moved into our house, right after our wedding, we were shocked to have a weekend at home… we had no idea what to do with all the free time!

    Now we’re saving money for bigger trips– hopefully Brazil in 2014? It’ll be the first time we’ve gone all out for something like that!

  9. I love travelling too…something about getting away from the everyday is just so much fun. New restaurants, new foods, heck even visiting a Target other than my own is always so much fun! I love reading blogs to peek into other people’s lives in different parts of the country too. I find it fascinating…although during the winter, it makes me really jealous of anyone in the south! (that means you! haha)

    • Haha, I feel the same way about exploring other Targets! I am sorry, girl, I feel for you on the cold. After growing up in Iowa and going to college in Illinois, I do not miss the long winters. You can tell me all about your nice weather while I am sweating up a storm during our 5 month summer πŸ™‚

  10. fun pics! i travel a lot (i tend to move at least once a year – i swear i have the most random life ever!) but it always seems like last-minute trips… i look forward to planning a big sight-seeing-style vacation sometime πŸ™‚

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