Cocktails and a New Card Game

Good Morning from sometimes sunny Florida! I was joking with my mom the other day that if Florida ever goes through a drought, all it needs to do is call me and I will bring the rain 😉 With that being said, I am taking full advantage of the days that I can be outside and on those rainy days, I keep my eyes on the prize of our nightly 5:30 Happy Hour. If you ask me, a margarita is kind of like sunshine in a glass.

After Dan gets done with work for the day, we typically have some time to relax before dinner. One of my first nights here, we bought a deck of cards at the hotel before realizing that beyond Blackjack, we knew the rules to approximately zero two person card games. So, we created our own. Before revealing the game and its rules, I do have to warn you, playing it can cause a scene and you may (read: will) begin to yell answers in public. I do however recognize that not everyone is as passionate about card games as we are.

The game is simple, as I have a limited attention span when it comes to rules and regulations. Each suit is assigned a category. For example –
Hearts – Actors
Diamonds – NFL Teams
Clubs – Reality TV Shows
Spades – Fast Food Restaurants
The deck sits face down and cards are flipped one at a time. If the card is a Diamond, the first person to say an NFL team keeps that card and at the end of the game, the player with the most cards wins!

Reader Question – What’s your favorite card game? We would love to add some fun ones to our lineup!

18 thoughts on “Cocktails and a New Card Game

  1. I love the card game you made up! I am definitely going to have to give it a try with my husband, but like you, I can see it turn into a lot of yelling as we get excited and into the game. 😉

  2. I could see that card game being a lot of fun with a drink or two 😉 Spit is my favorite 2-person card game – we always played it at camp when we were younger. That game can get super rowdy haha!

  3. I’ll take the rain as long as it comes in Florida AND I’m there to enjoy it 🙂 And cards… Kyle and I are OBSESSED as well! We love gin (that’s what we call it) but I couldn’t explain the rules if I tried 😉

  4. I love card games and board games. I like how simple this card game is- perfect to do with a group of friends! Some of my other favorite card games are rummy, spit, egyptian rat screw and uno.

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